Coming soon

Update your pipeline in one click

Edit and Update opportunities from the Notesally dashboard. No need to open multiple tabs on Salesforce. Save hours in updating your pipeline with 1-click actions on one single view dashboard.

No code required. Login with Salesforce.

Connect Notesally with Salesforce and enable your sales team to be more efficient.

See how this works

1-Click updates
Update key fields of opportunities from the Notesally dashboard with 1-Click updates and live-sync on Salesforce.

Customized Dashboard
Customize your dashboard according to the fields relevant to you.

Simple & Intuitive UI
Simple & intuitive UI that displays all the relevant fields from your pipeline in a single-tab view.

Ready to do more work in less time?

See what the future of sales enablement looks like.

Get started for free

Eliminate manual data entry.

Fill your Salesforce with automation. Use Notes and update multiple fields at once.

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